About Fit Club

Linda's Fit Club is an online (hosted on Zoom) 45 minute group fitness class.

Here's a few frequently asked questions:

Question: When is class?
Answer: Live classes are hosted online from 8:30 am-9:15 am EST every Monday through Saturday.

Question: What if I can't make the live class?
Answer: No worries! We upload the workouts online and send you the link every day so you can workout anytime.

Question: How does the subscription work? 
Answer: Purchase a $30/month subscription to receive the Zoom ID for unlimited classes. Please do not share the Zoom ID or your subscription will be cancelled.

Subscription starts on the day of purchase and automatically renews every month. Subscriptions can be cancelled anytime on this website, but we do not refund previous/partial months. 

Question: Do I need a subscription for each viewer?
Answer: Yes, each person working out needs to purchase a monthly subscription.

Question: I don't own weights. Is that okay?
Answer: Totally! Linda always provides an option for people that do not have weights. We've also had participants get creative with water bottles and handles of vodka. 

Question: Will this class work for me? I'm out-of-shape (#quarantinebod #quarantine15).
Answer: Yes! Linda offers options to modify in every class. We have regular participants ranging from Olympians to 90 year old women. 

Question: Is music provided?
Answer: Currently, no. You will just hear Linda's coaching. Most participants enjoy turning on their own music or playlist, but we also provide recommendations. 

Question: Do I have to have my camera on?
Answer: No, it's up to you! Many participants keep their cameras turned on for the accountability though. 

Question: What does a typical week look like? 



 Day Classes & Times (EST)


8:30 am-9:15 am 



8:30 am-9:15 am



Core & More

8:30 am-9:15 am


Butts & Guts

8:30 am-9:15 am



8:30 am-9:15 am


Instructor's Choice

8:30 am-9:15 am

Sunday Rest Day


Note: Any changes to the schedule would be emailed.